Certified training center
We are certificed because we want to guarantee our customers (either companies or partners or apprentices or trainees) that they benefit from quality services. Being certified guarantees that quality criteria and standards are applied and respected.
Our certifications, a proof of quality
All our training centers are certified by the UIMM network (called the Datadock certification)
Datadock is a database shared by every financial partner of the further training business.
It enables every training organisation to prove the quality of the trainings they deliver.
There are six criteria :
- Precisely identifying the goals of the training course and adapting them to trainees
- Ensuring the follow up and the assessment of the training
- Adapting technological and teaching means
- Ensuring that teachers have the required diplomas and skills
- Offering information about the training courses, the results
- Taking into account the trainees’assessments
So, to benefit from the UIMM Network label, UIMM training centers must meet the following criteria :
- Precisely identifying the goals of the training course and adapting them
- Ensuring follow up and assessment
- Adapting technological and teaching means
- Ensuring that teachers have the required diplomas and skills
- Offering information about the training courses, the results
- Taking into account the trainees’assessments
- Complying with the regulatory framework
The Le Havre and Port Jérome Sur Seine training centers are certified « MASE » (i.e. safety)
« Ensuring employees’ safety and health and the environmental protection in the long term », this is what MASE aims at.
The MASE framework enables the certified company to better structure its Health and Quality Policy in the following axes :
First axis : Management commitment
Goal : Defining the organisation of the Health and Quality management
Second axis : Professional skills
Goal : transmit every employee the knowledge, the know-how and the soft skills necessary for them to carry out their tasks
Third axis : Work organisation
Goal : Mastering the Health and Quality risks while tasks are carried out
Fourth axis : Efficiency of the management system
Goal : Assessing the efficiency of the management system
Fifth axis : Continuous improvement
Goal : Continuous imrovement of the management system
The Evreux training center is certified by the French employement agency.
It certifies that our training center complies with the criteria defined by the following decree : N°2015-760 (June 30th 2015) concerning the quality of further training courses.